Palmeira Bolas Flutuantes


At Summerville, the environment is one of our top priorities, along with the comfort and fun of our guests. After all, it’s delicious to enjoy the natural wonders of Porto de Galinhas, which is why we do our part as a sustainable resort.

Who doesn’t like to take a nice warm bath? Even better when the water is heated with the energy and good vibrations of our beloved sun. At Summerville, we use Solar Energy through solar panels that convert clean energy into hot water, making your shower more enjoyable and the environment happy.

In addition, all electricity that powers the resort comes from a clean and renewable source: Wind Energy. Well, the same wind that cools us while we relax enjoying the view of the beach is what keeps everything working here.

At the resort, we use the recycling process and selective garbage collection, because we consider it important to separate what can be reused. That is why we support the recycling process and dispose of waste correctly, cooperating with the future.

Summerville has a wastewater treatment plant that, with high performance biological technology, promotes the cleaning of effluents and leaves them with quality to be reused. There is the reuse of these waters in the cleaning of floors, parking lots, irrigation of plants and also return to the ground, to recharge aquifers, that is, the water deposits below ground.

Want to know how you can help Summerville be even greener? During the stay, we encourage the reuse of towels, in order to reduce the use of products for washing and use of biodegradable products. So everyone wins: our guests and nature!

  • Solar Heating

    The heating of all the water of the resort is carried out in a natural, clean and safe way through solar energy.

  • Wind Energy

    By participating in the free contracting environment, the resort maintains a profile that uses energy from clean and renewable sources, such as wind energy.

  • Recycling

    We support the recycling process and dispose of our waste correctly.


    Summerville is aligned with 3Rs practices (reduce, reuse and recycle). It is very important to separate what is still useful to be reused.

  • Reuse Program

    The reuse of towels by the guest reduces the use of washing products and excessive water consumption. At this point, everyone's awareness is very important.

  • Lamps

    The resort chose to implement LED technology for its lights.

See below for

Some Testimonials

Great service. Excellent Food. Very child friendly. Our daughters attended every day. Very good pools. Waterslide. Point of support on the beach. Good apartments. Great facility. Special Edvan reception attention. Aunt Crystal very attentive with...


We were in Summerville and we loved our stay. All services met our expectations, the pools, the friendliness of the clerk, the accommodations and the food which, by the way, was always delicious. I emphasize the hospitality and promptness of the...

Diego Armando d

We loved the Hotel, we were very well received and all the staff we had contact with were very kind and attentive, especially in the children's cafeteria where an employee, whosename I forget but who works from 3pm, was very helpful with the...


Beautiful place, super structure, well located rooms with the pool, delicious food, interesting show and a spectacle aside from the staff of the children's playground who are always lively, with smiles on their faces and full of activities for the...


We were in Summerville and we loved our stay. All services met our expectation, the pools, the friendliness of the clerk, the accommodations and the food, which was by the way always delicious. I would highlight the hospitality and readiness of the...

Diego Armando d

The resort is wonderful, but what called the most attention was the organization of the team and the excellent service provided by the employees, with an emphasis on the service at Muro Alto beach, which is just a few meters away, and where the...


The resort is wonderful. All hotel staff were always very helpful and polite. I want to mention here Wellington and Lucia because they were the employees with whom we had a little more contact, but, again, everyone was very attentive and always...


I really enjoyed the animation and the shows. The animators I liked the most were Uncle Lollipop, Aunt Pompom and Uncle Long Leg, I liked the acrobats a lot too (but I don't remember their names). That was my assessment.

Kenzo J