Palmeira Bolas Flutuantes
Beach front hotel station

Beach front hotel station


Decoração do Slide Decoração do Slide
Beach front hotel station
Bar Details Borda

If you’re on the beach, don’t worry, we’ll be near you. Cocktail-style service for snacks and drinks point, with water, soft drinks and Coronita beer. So, let’s do it or let’s go?

Hours of operation*
From 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

(Depending on the tide table, also available for consultation on the APP.

* Open from Monday to Friday, until 05.09, according to the state decree of 04.23.2021.

  • On the beach in front of the hotel
  • Cocktail-style service
  • Beer, water, soft drinks and juices
  • 10am to 3pm – may vary according to the tide table available in the app.
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